



Types of colouring techniques INNER COLOUR
Customer's preference From the first time she came to the salon, she was the type to say she'd leave the style up to the stylist. However, this time, she came in and said that she thinks blue would be good. At that time, she had long hair and she'd need to bleach her hair multiple times and I (the stylist) advised her against. This time, she said that she wanted to cut her hair short and I suggested dyeing her hair blue at only the inner portions.
Advice from the stylist If you were to dye your long hair blue, you'd need to bleach it multiple times, and I hence advise against doing it. However, if you have short hair and you're dyeing only to the inner portions, then I think it'll still be a comfortable process for the customer. Most people will be satisfied with colouring their hair normally, but how about changing up your image based on the colour you decide to dye the inner portions to?
Customer's thoughts on the outcome The first time I came to the salon, I originally wanted blue. Thus, I was really happy that I finally got to dye my hair blue.
Stylist's thoughts on the outcome Due to the customer's job, she can't go for a hair colour that's too crazy. Therefore, I think that it was great that I could do up a colour by using contrasting colours of grey and blue, to achieve the colour that she wanted!
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